Many find they want to share the journey with others.

What they want is a sense of belonging.

What Membership Means

All are welcome to attend ORUUC and take part in its activities. The best way to begin to explore membership is to attend the Inquirers sessions that meet right after Sunday worship.

Membership goes beyond attendance. It is a conscious choice and intentional commitment. Membership means both receiving the blessings of this community and taking responsibility for helping to shape and share those blessings.

Members find their sense of belonging by joining a small group in the church. All such groups have three functions: learn, serve, care. The church is here to help each person coming into ORUUC find a group that is a good fit.

Members volunteer gladly, sharing their interests, gifts, and talents. Some are good at greeting; others at singing in the choir. Whatever our gifts, at ORUUC we share them for the good of all.

Members make and keep generous financial pledges. ORUUC is entirely financed by its own people, so it is important that everyone does their part, according to their ability.

Members care for others and are open enough to let others to care for them.

How Do I Become a Member?

1. Arrange to meet, in person, with a Minister 2. Attend a Considering Commitment Session - (Click here to register now)

3. Complete a Financial Pledge card - (Click here for more information about pledging, or complete your annual pledge here.)

4. Sign a Membership Card

The Board of Trustees reviews and approves all memberships at its monthly meetings. As a new member, you are recognized in a New Member Ceremony during worship. (This is optional! If you don’t want to stand up in front of people, you don’t have to.)

Deepening Your Commitment

Many members choose to be part of a small group. Some groups meet during Faith Formation Hour on Sundays, while others meet during the week. You might decide to join a Circle of Trust, where you come together to reflect on the spiritual theme of the month using a format that promotes reverence, deep listening, and sharing. By finding a group that fits, and showing up consistently, your sense of belonging grows over time. A list of all small groups can be found here.

Whether small groups are for you or not, our hope is that your sense of belonging will grow over time.

The Ongoing Journey

Members commit to a deepening journey of belonging, through authentic and trusting relationships with others, in the light of the Holy. This journey is life-long for all of us. You will see others go through change, and you will change, too. As we walk together in love, we grow in our understanding of this one beautiful life.