Unitarian Universalists are boundlessly curious about the world’s religions, and we happily celebrate many winter holidays. Two decades ago a group of young adult UU seminarians began to yearn aloud for a holiday celebration that would be "our own thing." It's not meant to supplant or compete with the other joyous celebrations, but simply to proclaim our own faith and explore its embodied practice. Our Interim Minister, the Rev. Lisa Romantum Schwartz, has been an enthusiastic Chalica lover for years, and she’s excited to introduce the tradition to ORUUC.
Join us in person or on Zoom at 10 a.m. for our December Worship Series: Traditions That Sustain.
To participate in worship on Zoom, please register here https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArf-CvrT4iHtIsgktTYAWotY75rmxi5V78. If you've already registered (a one-time process), use the link you received via email to attend worship.
There will be a Congregational Meeting at 11:15 a.m. following worship this Sunday. All Adult Faith Formation classes are canceled. Youth are invited to participate in a Holiday Craft Party. Nursery will be available.
On regular Sundays, Adult and Youth Faith Formation classes take place from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15. p.m. To find out more about our classes, visit our website: http://www.oruuc.org/religious-education and http://www.oruuc.org/faith-formation-for-adults.
Please note: Masks will NOT be required in the building this week, but we encourage everyone to do what makes them feel comfortable. (If Covid-19 Community Levels for Anderson or surrounding counties are High, masks will be required.)
All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!