Where can we find hope when despair seems like a much more reasonable option? Somewhere in the tales from the Burning Man Festival through the writings of a Grateful Dead lyricist and cyberlibertarian political activist, something in our hearts flutters like a delicate “thing with feathers that perches in the soul” (so said Emily Dickinson, a poet who famously shunned religious doctrine). In this dark time, finding hope is, as they say, complicated.
Join us in person or on Zoom at 10 a.m. for our September Worship Series: Living the Questions. Today’s sermon title is, “When Hope is Hard to Find.” Interim Minister Rev. Lisa Schwartz will lead worship.
Please note: If Covid-19 Community Levels for Anderson and surrounding counties are High, masks will be required in the building.
To participate in worship on Zoom, please register herehttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArf-CvrT4iHtIsgktTYAWotY75rmxi5V78. If you've already registered (a one-time process), use the link you've received via email to attend worship.
Youth and Adult Faith Formation classes take place Sunday mornings from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15. p.m. To find out more about our classes, visit our website: http://www.oruuc.org/religious-education and http://www.oruuc.org/faith-formation-for-adults.
All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!