“Covenant is the silk that joins Unitarian Universalist congregations, communities, and individuals together in a web of interconnection,” says the UUA. Today at ORUUC we continue our dive into our heritage by exploring what it means to be a church bound by a covenant. There’s history (of course), and theology (certainly), and also science (really) behind our practices of promises. After the service, help Anne Scott and Amanda Law celebrate their covenantal promises at their recent wedding by joining in a joyous reception honoring their marriage! All are invited.
Join us Sunday morning for our October worship series: "Heritage." Worship begins at 10 a.m. in person and on Zoom. To participate in worship on Zoom, please register here https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArf-CvrT4iHtIsgktTYAWotY75rmxi5V78#/registration. If you've already registered (a one-time process), use the link you received via email to attend worship.
After worship, join us for coffee and treats in the Social Hall. Adult Faith Formation classes meet from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The Reflections group hosts a conversation on the sermon topic every Sunday during the Faith Formation Hour in the conference room. All are welcome to join in. Youth Faith Formation are not meeting this Sunday while Oak Ridge Schools are on Fall Break. Check out Faith Formation opportunities for adults here: http://www.oruuc.org/faith-formation-for-adults and children and youth here: http://www.oruuc.org/religious-education.
Covid-19 Update: Masks are not required in the building. We encourage everyone to do what makes them feel comfortable.
All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!