The ORUUC community is an energetic place. Sometimes trying to find a “way in” to this busy church feels like trying to join in a game of jump rope while the rope is twirling, and other jumpers are already in the game. On Saturday, March 16th from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Rev. Lisa and some current members (i.e., those who were newcomers at an earlier date) will lead a brief intro to ORUUC and Unitarian Universalism. Register here:
The goals are to get to know our newcomers (what’s your spiritual journey been like, and how can ORUUC be a resource for you in your continued growth?), help new folks get to know each other, and of course to help newcomers learn more about the church, its mission and core values. We’ll take a brief look at history (of UU and ORUUC), talk about the mutual expectations of entering a spiritual community, and how to find ways to serve and be served.
If you’re just getting to know ORUUC, this is a great way to find out more in a less crowded space than Sunday after service. And if you’re considering membership, we’ll talk about that process. Sign up by March 9 to join us!