The ORUUC community renews itself yet again in calling its new settled minister. But before Lóre begins, we'll say goodbye to Rev. Lisa Schwartz who has served as our interim minister for the past two years.
Join us Sunday morning for our June worship series: "Renewal." Worship begins at 10 a.m. in person and on Zoom. To participate in worship on Zoom, please install the Zoom app on your device and use Zoom Worship Service Meeting ID: 946 8973 5846.
After worship, everyone is invited to stay for a luncheon to honor Rev. Lisa. Youth Faith Formation classes are on a break for summer; classes resume August 4. Check out our regular Faith Formation opportunities for adults here: and children and youth here: The Nursery is available during Worship only during the summer.
Covid-19 Update: Masks are not required in the building. We encourage everyone to do what makes them feel comfortable.
All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!