This Sunday, Sept. 8, join us for our September worship series, Invitation. Our minister, Lóre Stevens, will speak about “One Person's Trash.”
Universalists like to say that "no one is disposable." While individuals may dislike each other, the greater Love treasures all people.
Worship begins at 10 a.m. in person and on Zoom. For those attending worship by Zoom, please install the Zoom app on your device and use Zoom Worship Service Meeting ID: 946 8973 5846. Our Split-the=Plate offering recipient for the month of September is the Ecumenical Storehouse. For more information, visit Please GIVE HERE as you are willing and able, or text “ORUUC” to 73256.
After worship, all are invited to coffee and conversation in the Social Hall. Youth and Adult Faith Formation classes meet from 11:15 to 12:15. Check out our regular Faith Formation opportunities for adults here: and children and youth here: Lóre is hosting a Meet the Minister gathering in the Sanctuary this morning during Faith Formation hour. All are welcome! The nursery is available during worship and the Faith Formation hour.
Covid-19 Update: We are aware of an uptick in Covid cases in our community. Masks are not required in the building; whether joining us for worship in person or on Zoom, we encourage everyone to do what makes them feel comfortable.
Rummage Week is here! Volunteers are needed after Faith Formation today to begin transforming the church building for the sale. Stick around to lend a hand! Rummage donations may be dropped off at church beginning this afternoon until 5 p.m., and Monday through Thursday this week, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. For donation ideas, visit Would you like to help provide meals and snacks for volunteers? Reach out to Charlene Luther or Sue Lasky. Thank you!
The Fall Rummage Pre-Sale (prices doubled) is this Friday, Sept. 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. The Rummage Sale (prices as marked) is Saturday, Sept. 14 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!