As winter approaches, we're invited into a time of spiritual quiet, of germination, of dreaming. It’s tempting for some to want to hibernate, to skip the winter’s cold and dark, going straight from fall to spring. But winter can offer renewal, wisdom, and beauty. A congregational meeting follows this reflective service.
Join us Sunday morning for our December worship series: "Mystery." Worship begins at 10 a.m. in person and on Zoom. To participate in worship on Zoom, please register here If you've already registered (a one-time process), use the link you received via email to attend worship.
After worship, there will be a Congregational Meeting for members. All Adult Faith Formation classes are canceled; Youth are invited to an all-ages holiday craft party.
Faith Formation classes will resume in the New Year on Sunday, Jan. 7. Check out Faith Formation opportunities for adults here:, and children and youth here:
Covid-19 Update: Masks are not required in the building. We encourage everyone to do what makes them feel comfortable.
All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!