Love is at the center of our Unitarian Universalist Faith. We celebrate the evolving nature of our living tradition in this service.
Join us Sunday morning for our December worship series: "Mystery." Worship begins at 10 a.m. in person and on Zoom. To participate in worship on Zoom, please register here If you've already registered (a one-time process), use the link you received via email to attend worship.
After worship, all are invited to a Soup Potluck in the Social Hall–bring a soup to share, if you’d like, but either way, come hungry and enjoy a warm bowl of soup and fellowship! Bread, salad, and dessert will be provided. Faith Formation classes will take place from 11:15 to 12:15 as usual. Check out Faith Formation opportunities for adults here:, and children and youth here: Those interested in engaging in a deeper discussion about today’s service are invited to join the Reflections Group. The group meets in person and on Zoom during the Faith Formation Hour. To join by Zoom, use the following link: Meeting ID: 682 663 607 Passcode: 678820
After lunch and classes, stay for Cocoa & Caroling beginning at 12 noon. No need to bring anything for that--there will be a hot cocoa bar set up, so dress up your drink and warm up your voice to sing carols, accompanied by Larry Rosenbaum and Dave Dunkirk on guitar. Join us for this relaxing start to the holiday season!
Covid-19 Update: Masks are not required in the building. We encourage everyone to do what makes them feel comfortable.
All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!