WHAT CHurch Looks Like in 2025


ORUUC comes together every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. for worship in the Sanctuary. Masks are not required; we encourage you to do what makes you comfortable in a group gathering, based on your own personal circumstances. We ask that if you have Covid-19 symptoms, a positive test, or known exposure to someone with Covid, please stay at home and worship with us on Zoom.

We continue to offer Zoom to those who wish to join us for morning worship from wherever they may be. Starting at 9:40, people can log on, or call in, to join us. To access the Sunday service, click here.

Immediately after the service, everyone is invited to meet and greet in the church lobby, grab a cup of coffee or snack in the Social Hall, and find a small group to connect with during our Faith Formation Hour from 11:15 to 12:15. There are choices for all ages and a wide range of interests. Some groups meet in person, some meet on Zoom, and some offer both options, allowing you to choose what is best for you. You can find this week’s Faith Formation Group Information here.

Small Groups

As a larger and active congregation, the best way to get connected with the ORUUC community--to know other people, and to be known--is through a small group that meets fairly regularly to "learn, serve, and care." This small group could be a Circle of Trust. Or it could be another way of coming together. Some of these groups will meet in person, some will meet via Zoom, and some will be a combination of both formats, based on group members’ preference.

To schedule your Shared Ministry Group Meeting in person or on Zoom, contact the office by email here.

Pastoral Care


ORUUC is here for you. Our primary mode of pastoral care is through small groups, where individual ORUUC-ians support each other. The Caring Team is a great way to get involved and help others—from waiting with someone at a medical appointment to going for a walk and lending a listening-ear, we support folks in our community. Please call the church office at 865-483-6761 or email office@oruuc.org if you need support. You don't need to go through anything alone.

Faith Formation staff engage young people and families through regular opportunities to gather in person, learning and exploring together.

Youth Faith Formation Programming

We utilize outdoor space as much as possible, weather permitting, so please remember to dress accordingly for hot or cold weather. Thank you for sharing your family with us. 

Preschool/Nursery - Our youngest ORUUCians are in the care of beloved Nursery Coordinator Susan Rosenbaum and her helpers, playing and loving together.

Spirit Play - Kindergarteners through fifth graders learn and grow during a structured hour spent in our multi-age classroom. They learn narratives of the history, religion, and shared human experiences that shape our world. They wonder and work, playing with art and open-ended materials; they end the hour with snack and sharing time.  

Middle School - Middle Schoolers explore the themes of Worship together and learn through community.

High School - The Senior High meet in person on Sundays and connect virtually throughout the week on Discord. Please contact Jason Fishel @ solarmanj@gmail.com to be added to the group server.

Please note: All leaders working with youth must show proof of Covid-19 vaccination.