The ORUUC 2019-2024 Strategic Plan
Approved June 2, 2019 by ORUUC Board of Trustees
August 2024 Update: The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted our Strategic Plan goals, just as it did with other aspects of our lives.
ORUUC will begin the process of creating a new plan soon. Stay tuned!
We are fools for love and pilgrims for justice, gathering in covenant, and growing in joy.
Kinship with our neighbors and creation.
Cultivating a community alive with justice and joy.
1 - Within - People coming alive with purpose and passion
Annually, no less than 80% of members report “yes” to the following three questions: Is your life aligned with your values? Are you aware of a larger purpose to which you have harnessed your lie? Because of ORUUC, so you feel more fully alive with purpose and passion?
2 - Among - Ministry Teams equipped to learn, serve, and care.
Beginning in FY2020, annually, 80% of shared ministries accomplish their aims. Quarterly, 80% of ministry teams report progress toward their aims. Quarterly, 80% of the ministry teams report that they have met at least once, with at least five people present. Quarterly, 80% of teams report satisfaction with requested support for their work.
3 - Beyond - Oak Ridge and surrounding counties are more compassionate and just.
By December 1, 2019, in partnership with community organizations (like NAACP and sibling congregations), ORUUC helps develop a “community report card,” measuring well-being and equity in Oak Ridge. By February 1, 2020, in partnership with these same organizations, ORUUC helps release a “State of the City” report, which (its first year) will provide baseline data against which future years will be measured.
4 - Throughout - Effective stewardship of resources.
By January 1, 2020, the building and campus have a fully-funded maintenance and repair plan. By July 1, 2023, the median ORUUC pledge follows fair share pledge guidelines. By July 1, 2024, ORUUC has cash reserves equaling three month’s operating expenses. Ongoing: all employees are paid within UUA Fair Compensation standards. By June 2024, no less than 90% of members are fluent users of current church management software. ORUUC is designated as a Green Sanctuary by the UUA by June 2020.